India is a diverse country where people conforming to different ethnicity, and cultures have been living together since antiquity. To respect the said diversity and the consequent emanation of diverse norms and practices for the regulation of family
Guardianship can simply be defined as a legal relationship where court assigns a person or an institution to look after minor or incompetent adult, the arrangement can also be created by naming such person and institution in
Often women making choices involving their bodies in a sexual context is condemned by many ideologies. Unfortunately sexual autonomy has dealt with stifling amount of criticism. Along with these criticisms on women’s choices with regards to their body,
Jean Jacques Rousseau, who championed the cause of individual liberty and political equality disappoints by expressing reservations in awarding women their bereaved equality in equality with men. Rousseau averred that the mutual duties of the two sexes cannot
Today was the “Meeting Day”- when Geeta was supposed to go to the meeting centre, do home visits, and meet pregnant women. The 27-year-old is an Anganwadi Worker (centre for basic health care- under Anganwadi Services scheme) in
Non-developed or third-world nations often reject the international system of human rights as being a reflection of global hegemony created by powerful nations of the western world. In contemporary times, concepts such as cultural relativism have emerged against
This year Karl Marx would have celebrated his 202nd birthday, originally a journalist by profession, he was known for radical nuances in his writing and strong criticisms against the political and cultural establishments of his day, which eventually
Marriage has been recognised historically and culturally, as a site of extreme gender inequalities and masculine domination. [1] One of the main avenues through which patriarchy is reinforced in marriages is through the politics of spousal selection. With