The most important contention of giving prison sentence for committing a crime in India is to reform the guilty person by isolating them from the society and community and work on rehabilitating the prisoner so that
Suicide has become a sad but common tendency these days. Reason could be any, failure, disputes, fights etc., people commit suicide when they believe they have no other way left to address or resolve the problem. There are
India is the largest democratic country in the world with free speech as its precious gift. Freedom of speech and expression is crucial for any democratic country. Though it is not an absolute right, however, if a
In principle, if not internationally, the presumption of innocence is acknowledged as being one of the fundamental concepts of the justice system. Its prominence as a foundation for a fair trial across all global and domestic conventions on
Demise of Father Stan Swamy has hit the news channels and has been the headline of lot of newspapers. These headlines often hit us when we have ourselves suffered a loss, otherwise it’s just a page 7
Honour Killings are a social phenomenon which one would expect to be done away with in this modern society which has developed far more complex issues. The fact that our society still feeds the male ego, which is
The Defence of insanity precludes liability for the criminals, as incapable of understanding the consequences of the actions. To institute the liability for the criminals the attitudes by law is mens rea (intention). The situation shadowing the
When trouble comes, it comes from all directions. Such is the case of a person when faced simultaneously with a criminal charge and an independent internal enquiry from his/her employer. In case the employee is a government servant,