भारत को अपने संविधान पर गर्व है जो कि समानता, स्वतंत्रता और बंधुत्व के आधार पर गढ़ा और रचा गया है। भारतीय नागरिक कुछ मौलिक अधिकारों का प्रयोग करते हैं जो उन्हें समानता, धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता और
The author through this article seeks to examine the pros and cons of restrictions placed on advertisements by Advocates in India and makes a case for allowing advertising in legal profession.
India’s economic path after independence was guided by an attempt to disengage with a past of exploitative British rule. The latter believed in the ideals of laissez-faire and (one way) free trade, which encouraged a massive drain of
“In the rainy season, she began, it is really bad. Water mixes with the shit and when we carry it on our heads, it drips from the baskets on to our clothes, our bodies, our faces. When I
When trouble comes, it comes from all directions. Such is the case of a person when faced simultaneously with a criminal charge and an independent internal enquiry from his/her employer. In case the employee is a government servant,
India is pegged to grow at 8.8 percent or more as estimated by the International Monetary Fund, which means that its already humongous energy needs are also set to grow. Traditionally, India’s energy mix is dominated by non-renewable
Historically known as “the land of the five rivers’’, Punjab with its rich rivers and canal networks seems like the last place where a water crisis would be underway. However, that is far from the truth. The state’s
Our society is no stranger to the inequalities that subsists in our education system owing to access, quality & affordability. The Coronavirus induced lockdown has further aggravated existing inequalities by restricting online education to financially well
Global warming and climate change, among many other environmental maladies that the world faces today, have been the focal point of international treaties and dialogues since the inception of an international movement to protect the environment. However, we
In the book Ignited Minds, APJ Abdul Kalam talks about interaction with school children. Talking to a student in middle school he became thoughtful. The student asked why can’t India take water from here in Assam which is